Friday, June 28, 2013

G’Day music fans, once again music is on the brain and the center of this discussion for today. The weekend has come  upon us, and the wife was away at work, meaning I was to do the entire house cleaning for the weekend, GREATTTTT!?!? Looking so forward to this, not!

First of all, I hate cleaning on a beautiful sunny day off. There are so many other better things on a sunny Charleston afternoon that sound way better than staying in the house and doing chores. I noticed, before I clean, I have to find the right station on Pandora before I get motivated to do the tasks at hand.  The right music sets the mood. I personally have to have something with a fast beat/rhythm before I clean.

For instance, EDM (Electronic Dance Music) fits that bill. This music can be easily known as the “rave” music of 2013. Not exactly techno, a little more evolutionized, but it’s under the same primacy of techno.  I am a fan of this new, well to me at least, movement, though with doubt, the first time someone told me about EDM, I told them they “ were as high as a kite” and that I would probably never  listen to it, also that it wasn’t real music.  The music is often known as the music of the future, like from the famous movie “The Matrix”. And of course there are many different types of this EDM music, or commonly referred to as  DUB Step.

Boy oh Boy was I wrong? Skrillex and Big Gigantic were the first EDM shows I saw at Bonnaroo in 2012. Then to follow up, I saw Pretty Lights at the Township Auditorium in October. After attesting first hand, the music intrigued me, although it’s still not my most favorite only because after so much time at a show, the constant bass that drills at my head. At home it’s a little different; I don’t have such a hi-tech surround sound like at a show or concert.

However, this music is great for cleaning up. Most of the songs have no words, and are in constant rhythm with a switch up every now and then with the bass lines, amping you up! When cleaning and listening to the music, I guess the music changes me into a “Mindless machine” doing the repetitious task to complete the cleaning for the day. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pandora One, Is it really?

Those who have been following, or that know me, know I love listening to music and going to shows. In my mind a good show can equal out in total euphoria. Well I also listen to a lot of music driving from place to place, doing chores such as cleaning, or even cutting the grass. The regular radio, in my eyes, is a thing of the past. I cannot tell you the last time I listened to a regular radio station that was not talk radio. Pandora is what we listen to in my household (mostly).

So, I thought since I listen so much, why not become a subscriber to the station. Hell, I will get to listen to all the jams with no advertisements. Ain’t nobody got time fo that!! Anyways, plus it is only four dollars per month. That would equivocate to paying a dollar a week. Not a bad deal in my eyes, as of so far.

I will say, since becoming a paying member to this company, I would like to think that I would be able to change through any song I want, with no limit. WRONG! They still put a limit on how many skips one is allowed to use. Well, I guess I can understand it to a point, but come on 6 skips is all I get for one station that could possibly have a range of 20 years between artists played. That is super broad and can range over a thousand different artists in one genre.

I will have to say I think Pandora needs an update. For instance, maybe this is just me and me being computer illiterate. It is true, I am not the best with technology, however, I make-do with what I know how to use. But as far as I know, Pandora doesn’t allow you to make a playlist of the particular artists you want to listen to.

I have a variety of artists going from rap legends like WU-Tang, to a more low-key rapper such as “Del the Funkey Homosapian”, to more known rappers such as Kanye West, Jay-Z, and Eminem, to classic 90’s bands such as “No Doubt” and “Third Eye Blind”, and “Red Hot Chili Peppers “ classic 80’s with bands like the Talking Heads, to classic 70’s like “The Grateful Dead” , “Jimi Hendrix”, and Creedance Clearwater Revival. Look, the lists of Pandora stations under my name are not infinite, but there are a lot.

At times you’re more interested in a few artists maybe switch up like two or three genres while your completing whatever task or doing whatever it is your doing. However, Pandora does not allow you to make a playlist like such, they only provide a shuffle where it shuffles through every station well maybe not every but randomly goes through every station you have ever visited. Come on Pandora, get up to date, upgrade it up, you were the pioneers of streaming internet radio, and now you’re slipping to stay on top. It looks like this ole boy (me) is going to have to look into competitors such as Slacker Radio. I would hate to see Pandora Corporation become just as extinct as Blockbuster, although not out of business, but nowhere near the competitor it was in the 90’s and early 2000’s.


Sunday, June 16, 2013


 - Bonaroo 2013

Good evening music lovers! Those who follow the music scene, know that the infamous festival of Bonaroo 2013 is coming to a close tonight. The festival began Thursday, June 13 with the less well known name bands such as Django Django and Killer Mike. Their were a few other bands that played as well but these were the only two I was familiar with.

             Friday, is the first day that the party really began to kick off with well known groups such as Passion Pit, Wilco, Wu-Tang Clan, and even Paul McCartney. Absolutely amazing, I really wish I could have been there to actually see a Beatle perform. To end the night, huge acts such as Pretty Lights and Porter Robinson performed.
             Saturday, from seeing the lineup, appeared to be a little more soft than the Friday headliners, but I am sure everyone who attended had a phenomenal time watching bands like The Lumineers, (who just played recently in Charleston) Jack Johnson, R. Kelly, Billy Idol, and Weird Al. That's right, I said it, Weird Al. Somehow he is still in famous, still making crappy music, funny, but still crappy.
              Sunday, these were the more highlighted bands in my eyes Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, David Byrne & St. Vincent and super-headliner Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers would be the last musical act to play. They also threw in a few comedy acts throughout the week, as well as some other performance art shows to cater to those that may want a break from all of the concerts.

(A side note, Bonaroo has over 150 bands playing over the course of the festival, and with has many as five bands playing at once. Above, I only mentioned the shows I thought more notable to my taste.)

            I have been to Bonaroo twice. The first time I went was back in 2004, and more recently in 2012. When I saw the lineup they released in mid February, I wasn't too pleased with what I saw. Don't get me wrong, the festival itself is an amazing experience with tons of opportunities to do whatever someone can think up. Also, I am sure the majority of the people who attended were able to have a great experience.
             The festival caters to everyone's music tastes with the eclectic group of artists they bring in year after year. Anytime you have anything that is as chill as Sir Paul McCartney, to that old school gangsta rap Wu-Tang, to some sweet r and b music with R. Kelly, you should be able to find something that interests you. Even for those who like the new electronic music genre, Pretty Lights and Porter Robinson appeared at the festival. From the two times I have been, I have only good things to say about my experiences.
            Unfortunately, this year I knew I would not be attending. First of all, the festival was too expensive for the lineup that I wasn't really crazy about. I also knew that I was going to be taking summer classes. I had to make the adult decision to stay home for this one, although I am a perpetuator of fun!! If someone would have given me a discounted or a free ticket I would have gone in a heartbeat(but please don't tell my wife I said that, wasn't really accounting for her needs or schedule!).
           Those who went, tell me, what was it like this year? Was there anything different from prior years? I am sure this year warranted more attendees with music legends such as Tom Petty and Paul McCartney. Is the festival getting too large? I will say from what I remember last year, their was nothing like waiting in line for thirty minutes to use a port-a-potty first thing in the morning!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

wsPanic Depression!!

So, it has officially been one week, and I have finally made it back to reality, and settled out of this "Panic Depression". Last Saturday, we, my wife, and my two best friends, and myself  ventured up to Raleigh, N.C. to watch Widespread Panic play.

I should've known it was going to be an awesome trip, from first glance of all the "Spread-Heads", and first noticing this bar, that's right I said it, A BAR, rolling down the street. It appeared to be a bachelorette party, with eight women all together, three sitting on each side, and one at the head of each side. They were pedaling just a pedaling away, while drinking their face off! It was safe to say, that the bar wasn't moving to fast down the road.

Onward to the show! We stayed at the Clarion, which was bout half a mile away, as soon as we got into the venue, I thought holy cow! This place is sick. The Red-Hat Amphitheatre by far is one of my more favorite venues. The set-up was so convenient, they had plenty of restrooms on both sides with easy access. The Vendors the exact same. Once the sun set, the venue really livened up and the place just exploded.
 <--- Me and wife (Allie) partying hard!!

The boys (Widespread Panic) definitely brought the house down the first night of two they were playing. There setlist:
It was a great set-list. For I am not the hugest Panic fan, but I really enjoy watching these guys play. Every time we make it to a show, it just seems that you can't find nicer people to talk to, the light show was insane, and the music is just so jammy, all I want to do is boogie! If your not a huge jam-band fan, then I would understand if you thought I was talking out of my a$$, but those music lovers, who are up for new things and experiences, I would highly suggest going to a Panic show.
Those out there, who are some of your more favorite shows to see? Where is the best venue to go see music? I am interested in new and fun things, so please tell me. You only live once, and I want to experience as much of this life as I possibly can.